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  Ultracompact HII regions extended emission (de la Fuente+, 2020)
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1.J/MNRAS/492/895/table4Results from morphological study of extended emission (28 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  Name (char) Name of the HII region ( (;meta.main)
  EE (char) [YN] Presence of extended emission (Y:yes, N:No) (meta.code)
  ConEElit (char) [YPUN-] Indicates if there is a direct connection between the UC HII region and the large-scale extended emission (literature) (Note 1)   (meta.code)
  r_ConEElit  (n) [1/3] Reference for ConEElit (Note 2)   (meta.ref;pos.frame)
  ConEEtw (char) [YPN] Indicates if there is a direct connection between the UC HII region and the large-scale extended emission (this work) (Note 1)   (meta.code)
  EEsize1 arcmin Extended emission size (x-axis) (Note 3)   (phys.angSize)
  EEsize2 arcmin Extended emission size (y-axis) (Note 3)   (phys.angSize)
  RCpeaks   [1/5] Number of radio continuum (RC) peaks (meta.number)
  MorphType (char) Morphological type according to Wood & Churchwell (1989ApJS...69..831W) (Note 4)   (src.morph.type)
  Ch06/07 (char) [YN] Presence of Bubble-like structures from IRAC images according to Churchwell et al. (2006ApJ...649..759C, Cat. J/ApJ/649/759; 2007ApJ...670..428C, Cat. J/ApJ/670/428) (meta.code)
  Simp12 (char) [YN] Presence of Bubble-like structures from IRAC and MIPS images according to Simpson et al. (2012MNRAS.424.2442S, Cat. J/MNRAS/424/2442) (meta.code)
  Bubble (char) [YPN] Presence of Bubble-like structures according to this work (meta.code)

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