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  TNOs from the full six years of DES (Bernardinelli+, 2022)
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1.J/ApJS/258/41/catalog*DES Trans-Neptunian Objects (TNOs) for the Y6 release (Note) (814 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  MPC (char) Minor Planet Center object designation (;meta.main)
  a AU [26/18866] Semimajor axis of the best-fit orbit (phys.size.smajAxis;meta.modelled)
  e_a AU [0.00016/353] Uncertainty in a (sigma_a) (stat.error)
  e   [0.006/1] Eccentricity (src.orbital.eccentricity)
  e_e   [3.7e-6/0.005] Uncertainty in e (sigma_e) (stat.error)
  i deg [0.18/96] Inclination (src.orbital.inclination)
  e_i deg [7e-7/0.0018] Uncertainty in i (sigma_i) (stat.error)
  omega deg [0.2/360] Argument of perihelion (aop) (src.orbital.periastron)
  e_omega deg [0.00018/4] Uncertainty in ω (sigma_aop) (stat.error)
  Omega deg [0.16/360] Longitude of ascending node (lan) (src.orbital.node)

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  e_Omega deg [5e-6/0.06] Uncertainty in Ω (sigma_lan) (stat.error)
  Tp d [2420/145671] Time of perihelion passage (UTC Modified Julian Date) (T_p) (time.epoch)
  e_Tp d [0.029/834] Uncertainty in Tp (sigma_T) (stat.error)
  q AU [10.9/55] Perihelion distance (pos.distance;src.orbital.periastron)
  e_q AU [0.0001/0.6] Uncertainty in q (sigma_q) (stat.error)
  d AU [27.5/97] Discovery distance, geocentric (pos.distance;pos.geocentric)
  e_d AU [1.4e-5/0.009] Uncertainty in d (sigma_d) (stat.error)
  delta AU [27.4/96.3] Discovery distance, heliocentric (pos.distance;pos.heliocentric)
  e_delta AU [1e-5/0.009] Uncertainty in Δ (sigma_delta) (stat.error;pos.eq.dec)
  rmag mg [18.6/25.4] Mean r-band magnitude (m_r) (phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  e_rmag mg [0.0007/0.4] Uncertainty in rmag (sigmamr) (stat.error)
  rMag mg [-1.3/9.8] Absolute magnitude in band r (H_r) (instr.bandpass)
  e_rMag mg [0.0007/0.4] Uncertainty in rMag (sigmaHr) (stat.error)

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  Nuni   [7/29] Number of unique nights of detections (NUNIQUE) (meta.number)
  Ndet   [7/42] Number of detections (NDETECT) (meta.number)
  Chi2   [4.8/96] x extsuperscript2 of the orbit fit, where v=2xNdet-6 (
  x AU [-1.7/87] ICRS-oriented X position (pos.cartesian.x)
  y AU ICRS-oriented Y position (pos.cartesian.y)
  z AU ICRS-oriented Z position (pos.cartesian.z)
  Vx AU/yr [-1.7/1.6] ICRS-oriented X velocity (phys.veloc;pos.cartesian.x)
  Vy AU/yr ICRS-oriented Y velocity (phys.veloc;pos.cartesian.y)
  Vz AU/yr ICRS-oriented Z velocity (phys.veloc;pos.cartesian.z)
  Sigxx   [1.4e-10/7.3e-5] x,x element of the state vector covariance matrix (Sigmaxx) (stat.covariance)
  Sigxy  x,y element of the state vector covariance matrix (Sigmaxy) (stat.covariance)
  Sigxz  x,z element of the state vector covariance matrix (Sigmaxz) (stat.covariance)
  SigxVx   [-3.2e-5/3.6e-5] x,Vx element of the state vector covariance matrix (Sigmaxvx) (stat.covariance)

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  SigxVy  x,Vy element of the state vector covariance matrix (Sigmaxvy) (stat.covariance)
  SigxVz  x,Vz element of the state vector covariance matrix (Sigmaxvz) (stat.covariance)
  Sigyy  y,y element of the state vector covariance matrix (Sigmayy) (stat.covariance)
  Sigyz  y,z element of the state vector covariance matrix (Sigmayz) (stat.covariance)
  SigyVx  y,Vx element of the state vector covariance matrix (Sigmayvx) (stat.covariance)
  SigyVy  y,Vy element of the state vector covariance matrix (Sigmayvy) (stat.covariance)
  SigyVz  y,Vz element of the state vector covariance matrix (Sigmayvz) (stat.covariance)
  Sigzz  z,z element of the state vector covariance matrix (Sigmazz) (stat.covariance)
  SigzVx  z,Vx element of the state vector covariance matrix (Sigmazvx) (stat.covariance)
  SigzVy  z,Vy element of the state vector covariance matrix (Sigmazvy) (stat.covariance)
  SigzVz  z,Vz element of the state vector covariance matrix (Sigmazvz) (stat.covariance)
  SigVxVx   [1e-11/2.1e-5] Vx,Vx element of the state vector covariance matrix (Sigmavxvx) (stat.covariance)
  SigVxVy  Vx,Vy element of the state vector covariance matrix (Sigmavxvy) (stat.covariance)
  SigVxVz  Vx,Vz element of the state vector covariance matrix (Sigmavxvz) (stat.covariance)
  SigVyVy  Vy,Vy element of the state vector covariance matrix (Sigmavyvy) (stat.covariance)
  SigVyVz  Vy,Vz element of the state vector covariance matrix (Sigmavyvz) (stat.covariance)
  SigVzVz  Vz,vz element of the state vector covariance matrix (Sigmavzvz) (stat.covariance)
  Class (char) Dynamical classification (src.class)
  Notes (char) Notes on the object (Note 1)   (meta.note)

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