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  Stromgren Photometry in NGC 3680 and NGC 6134 (Bruntt+, 1999)
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1.J/A+AS/140/135/ngc6134aPhotometry of NGC 6134 incl. previous results (606 rows)
2.J/A+AS/140/135/ngc6134uPhotometry (incl. errors) of NGC 6134 (606 rows)
3.J/A+AS/140/135/ngc3680aPhotometry of NGC 3680 incl. previous results (169 rows)
4.J/A+AS/140/135/ngc3680uPhotometry (incl. errors) of NGC 3680 (164 rows)

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  (ALL)recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification.
   (1+2)ID11  (i) [4/1518] Star ID
  (1)n_ID11 (char) [*] Note on Star (Note 1)   
  (1+2)ID12  (n) Star ID by Frandsen et al. / Viskum (Note 2)   
  (1+3)V(BR) mag V magnitude (BR = Bruntt et al.)
  (1)V(VI) mag (n) V magnitude by Viskum (Note 2)   
  (1+3)b-y(BR) mag Stromgren b-y colour
  (1)B-V(BR) mag (n) B-V mag, not measured (Note 3)   
  (1)B-V(VI) mag (n) B-V mag, measured by Viskum (Note 2)   
  (1+3)m1(BR) mag (n) m1 index
  (1+3)Hb(BR) mag (n) Hbeta index

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (1)c0(BR) mag (n) c0 index (Note 4)   
  (1+2+4)E(b-y) mag (n) Interstellar reddening
  (1+3)xpos pix x coordinate in reference frame (Note 5)   
  (1+3)ypos pix y coordinate in reference frame (Note 5)   
  (1)dist pix Distance in pixels to closest star (Note 5)   
  (2+4)Vmag mag V magnitude
  (2+4)e_Vmag mag Standard deviation of Vmag
  (2+4)b-y mag Stromgren b-y colour
  (2+4)e_b-y mag (n) Standard deviation of b-y
  (2+4)m1 mag (n) m1 index
  (2+4)e_m1 mag (n) Standard deviation of m1
  (2+4)Beta mag (n) Hbeta index
  (2+4)e_Beta mag (n) Standard deviation of Beta

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (2)c0 mag (n) Estimate of c0 index (Note 2)   
  (2+4)e_E(b-y) mag (n) Standard deviation of E(b-y)
  (2)Teff K (n) Estimated Teff (Note 3)   
  (2)e_Teff K (n) Standard error on Teff (Note 3)   
  (2+4)[Fe/H] [Sun] (n) Metallicity.
  (2+4)e_[Fe/H] [Sun] (n) Standard error on [Fe/H].
   (3+4)ID21  (i) Star ID
  (3)n_ID21 (char) [*] Note on Star (Note 1)   
  (3+4)ID22  (n) Star ID by Frandsen et al. / Viskum. (Note 2)   
  (3)V(NO) mag (n) V magnitude by Nordstrom. (Note 2)   
  (3)V(TW) mag (n) V magnitude by Twarog et al. (Note 3)   
  (3)V(NI) mag (n) V magnitude by Nissen. (Note 4)   
  (3)b-y(NO) mag (n) b-y index by Nordstrom. (Note 2)   

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (3)b-y(TW) mag (n) b-y index by Twarog et al. (Note 3)   
  (3)b-y(NI) mag (n) b-y index by Nissen. (Note 4)   
  (3)c1(TW) mag (n) c_1 index by Twarog et al. (Note 3)   
  (3)c1(NI) mag (n) c_1 index by Nissen. (Note 4)   
  (3)m1(TW) mag (n) m_1 index by Twarog et al. (Note 3)   
  (3)m1(NI) mag (n) m_1 index by Nissen. (Note 4)   
  (3)Hb(NI) mag (n) H_beta index by Nissen. (Note 4)   

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(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
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