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  PN abundances in five galaxies (Stasinska+ 1998)
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1.J/A+A/336/667/table2Electron temperatures and densities, elemental and ionic abundances (329 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  Region (char) [abcde] Region (meta.note)
  Object  Object number (
  PN (char) NP name (;meta.main)
  He/H  He/H abundance ratio (phys.abund)
  N/H  N/H abundance ratio (phys.abund)
  O/H  O/H abundance ratio (phys.abund)
  Ne/H  Ne/H abundance ratio (phys.abund)
  ne(SII) cm-3 Electronic density deduced from [S II]6717/6730 (phys.density)
  T(O3) K Electronic temperature deduced from [O III]4363/5007 (phys.temperature;phys.electron)
  T(N2) K Electronic temperature deduced from [N II]5755/6584 (phys.temperature;phys.electron)
  O+3727/H  O+/H value deduced from [O II]3727/Hβ (phys.abund)
  O+7325/H  O+/H value deduced from [O II]7325/Hβ (phys.abund)
  O++/H  O^++/H abundance ratio (phys.abund)
  N+/H  N^+/H abundance ratio (phys.abund)
  Ne++/H  Ne++/H abundance ratio (phys.abund)
  He+/H  He+/H abundance ratio (phys.abund)
  He++/H  He++/H abundance ratio (phys.abund)

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