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  StarHorse, Gaia DR2 photo-astrometric distances (Anders+, 2019) acknowledge and cite StarHorse
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1.I/349/starhorseStarhorse catalog (265637087 rows)

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  RA_ICRS deg (i) Barycentric right ascension (ICRS) at Ep=2015.5 (from Gaia DR2) (pos.eq.ra;meta.main)
  DE_ICRS deg (i) Barycentric declination (ICRS) at Ep=2015.5 (from Gaia DR2) (pos.eq.dec;meta.main)
  Source  (i) Gaia DR2 source number (;meta.main)
  FlagPhoto (char) List of filter used as input for StarHorse (SH_PHOTOFLAG) (Note 1)   (meta.code.error)
  FlagPlx (char) Informs about the precision of the Gaia DR2 parallaxes (SH_PARALLAXFLAG) (Note 2)   (meta.code.error)
  FlagGaia (char) Describes the overall astrometric and photometric quality of the Gaia DR2 data for each star in a three-digit flag (SH_GAIAFLAG) (Note 3)   (meta.code.error)
  FlagOut (char) Similar to SH_GAIAFLAG, consists of several digits that inform about the fidelity of the StarHorse output parameters (SH_OUTFLAG) (Note 4)   (meta.code.error)
  dist05 kpc StarHorse distance, 5th percentile (pos.distance)
  dist16 kpc StarHorse distance, 16th percentile (pos.distance)
  dist50 kpc StarHorse distance, 50th percentile (pos.distance)
  dist84 kpc StarHorse distance, 84th percentile (pos.distance)

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 (i)indexed column
  dist95 kpc StarHorse distance, 95th percentile (pos.distance)
  AV05 mag StarHorse line-of-sight extinction at λ=5420Å, 5th percentile (phys.absorption)
  AV16 mag StarHorse line-of-sight extinction at λ=5420Å, 16th percentile (phys.absorption)
  AV50 mag StarHorse line-of-sight extinction at λ=5420Å, 50th percentile (phys.absorption)
  AV84 mag StarHorse line-of-sight extinction at λ=5420Å, 84th percentile (phys.absorption)
  AV95 mag StarHorse line-of-sight extinction at λ=5420Å, 95th percentile (phys.absorption)
  AG50 mag StarHorse line-of-sight extinction in the G band, derived from AV50 and teff50 (phys.absorption)
  teff16 K StarHorse effective temperature, 16th percentile (phys.temperature.effective)
  teff50 K StarHorse effective temperature, 50th percentile (phys.temperature.effective)
  teff84 K StarHorse effective temperature, 84th percentile (phys.temperature.effective)
  logg16 [cm/s2] StarHorse surface gravity, 16th percentile (phys.gravity)
  logg50 [cm/s2] StarHorse surface gravity, 50th percentile (phys.gravity)
  logg84 [cm/s2] StarHorse surface gravity, 84th percentile (phys.gravity)

ALL cols
 (i)indexed column
  met16 [-] StarHorse metallicity, 16th percentile (phys.abund.Fe)
  met50 [-] StarHorse metallicity, 50th percentile (phys.abund.Fe)
  met84 [-] StarHorse metallicity, 84th percentile (phys.abund.Fe)
  mass16 Msun StarHorse stellar mass, 16th percentile (phys.mass)
  mass50 Msun StarHorse stellar mass, 50th percentile (phys.mass)
  mass84 Msun StarHorse stellar mass, 84th percentile (phys.mass)
  ABP50 mag StarHorse line-of-sight extinction in the GBP band, 50th percentile, derived from AV50 and teff50 (phys.absorption)
  ARP50 mag StarHorse line-of-sight extinction in the GRP band, 50th percentile, derived from AV50 and teff50 (phys.absorption)
  BP-RP0 mag (n) StarHorse dereddened colour (GBP-GRP)_0), derived from photbpmean_mag, photrpmean_mag, ABP50, and ARP50 (phot.mag.reddFree)
  MG0 mag StarHorse absolute magnitude, derived from photgmean_mag (recalibrated), dist50, and AG50 (phys.magAbs)
  XGal kpc StarHorse Galactocentric Cartesian X co-ordinate, derived from dist50 and assuming R0=8.2kpc (pos.cartesian.x;pos.galactocentric)
  YGal kpc StarHorse Galactocentric Cartesian Y co-ordinate, derived from dist50 and assuming R0=8.2kpc (pos.cartesian.y;pos.galactocentric)
  ZGal kpc StarHorse Galactocentric Cartesian Z co-ordinate, derived from dist50 and assuming R0=8.2kpc (src.redshift;pos.cartesian;pos.galactocentric)
  RGal kpc StarHorse Galactocentric planar distance, derived from XGal and YGal (pos.distance;pos.galactocentric)
  ruwe  Gaia DR2 renormalised unit-weight error (Lindegren et al., 2018A&A...616A...2L) (meta.code.qual)

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